Wednesday, November 12, 2014

One year ago today, I married my best friend.  Our wedding was a beautiful and wonderful thing.  We were on the beach in Destin with our closest friends and family.  It was elegant yet relaxed and we loved every second.

Mr. M and I met at a Halloween party 4 years ago.  He was Slash and I was Jareth the Goblin King.  We danced all night.  By danced I mean we talked about nerd culture; things like Supernatural, photography, comics and graphic novels, movies.  And by all night, I mean until about 1am.  After a couple weeks of exchanging facebook messages and playing Saints Row 2 online together, we decided to go on a photography adventure to Allerton Park. 

Fast forward a couple of years.  I knew Mr. M was going to propose, and I was pretty sure I knew when.  He surprised me by doing it two weeks earlier than I thought!  We were, appropriately, hiking at Allerton Park when all of a sudden he was on one knee, holding out a sparkling something and asking me to marry him.  I don't remember if I said "Yes!" or "Of course!" or "Heck yes, let's DO THIS."  But I do remember thinking, holy wow that just happened!

Last year we stood on the beach with our favorite people and vowed to spend the rest of ever adventuring together.  He's my favorite everything. 

Thanks to our friends and family that celebrated with us, in Florida, Illinois or from afar.  You all helped make our special day(s) Freaking EPIC. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Election Day!

I wrote a blog post about Election Day...for work.  But I thought it was pretty good so here ya know, check it out!

If you go back further in the Library's blog you can see another post I'm rather fond of, "An Imperfect Science" where I talk about a 3D printing project I worked on a few weeks ago.

In other news, I've also committed to NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month.  So far I'm sitting at 305 words on day 4, so I do need to step it up a bit.  I honestly don't know if I'll hit 50,000 but 305 is a lot better than 0.  I may be biased, but I think Berlin Noisewater's story will be fun.  She's a powerful witch with a knack for love spells and a terrible memory.  Let's hope I can do her justice.