Monday, May 12, 2014

6 Merry Months of Monogomous Marriage for the Marvelous Meilike's

I like alliteration.

Jon and I have officially been married for 6 months today.  I know 6 months might not seem like a big deal (especially if you're on the other side of a year+) but I enjoy recognizing milestones.  It makes the everyday less mundane if I can find something to celebrate.  A lot can happen in 6 months!  For example, we have now been married longer than the following celebrity couples:

Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra
Britney Spears and some guy she grew up with
Drew Barrymore and Tom Green
Pam Anderson and Kid Rock

Not to mention we have been married for longer than the Kosovo War and the Second Balkan War lasted (5 months and 3 months respectively.)  AND we have been married longer than William Henry Harrison was president!

I'll admit, our first half a year has not been terribly exciting.  We celebrated Christmas at home, mourned the loss of my grandma, grumbled about the winter, took a trip to Schaumburg, grumbled about driving in cities, did A LOT of laundry.  Time seems to be moving a little faster now that we are no longer under the icy grip of the polar vortex.  We're getting outside more, working in the garden, trying to keep the lawn alive, evening bike rides. 

But after spending a year planning a wedding, I think we deserve a little bit of mundane-ness.  We've enjoyed ourselves, and we're figuring out what marriage is supposed to look like.  We fight less, are slower to get upset, eat dinner together at the table almost every night, talk about the future.  We're excited for the summer and for warm weather adventures.  Most importantly, we're excited about our life together. 

I'm not really good with big, flowery shows of I'll just say that I love my husband a whole lot and that I am eternally grateful that God and the cosmos saw fit to unite us, our lives and our families.

"The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for." 
-attributed to Alexander Chalmers, George Washington Burnap, and Joseph Addison separately...I can't find a reliable source to tell me where it originated.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 mo! We always made 1/2 a cake for our girls 6 mo. birthdays, so why not celebrate 6mo of marriage! Go Meilike's!!
