Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Recharging Humanoid Batteries

Photo Credit Will Arnold (what a swell guy)
This past weekend we went camping at Hocking Hills with some friends.  It's a 6 hour drive but a million percent worth it.  This state park is quite possibly the most beautiful place I've ever personally been to.  It's at least in the top 5.

We spent 2 full days and 3 glorious nights in the company of our fabulous friends hiking, exploring, cooking with fire, swimming, playing, singing (not so much me...but I enjoyed listening!), and generally ignoring technology and electronics.  It was AMAZING.  I had my phone with me, but only to take pictures.  I was not once tempted to check facebook or text.  I did not realize how badly I needed to disconnect until after I did it.  It was liberating.

Our friends three daughters were an absolute joy to be around.  They're energetic, imaginative, polite, creative, intelligent, I could go on and on.  We really enjoy spending time with them, and were super happy to spend a weekend with them exploring and adventuring.  We even started the "Adventure Scouts."  More adventure, less drama, no scout left behind.

I returned to work yesterday actually refreshed.  I had a great weekend and I was NOT ready for it to end.  I wish I was back there right now.  But instead of being sad that it's over, I'm happy that it happened.  And I'm inspired to make sure it happens again.  We're making plans to take other hiking and camping trips this summer. 

There's just one thing I can't wrap my brain around.  On Saturday I hiked 9 miles, and I was ready to go for more.  Sunday my legs ached, I hiked another 5 or 6 miles and still could have kept going.  Yesterday I sat at a desk for 8 hours and was absolutely exhausted.  I suppose it has something to do with being adventurous.  My job is not so adventurous.  I do enjoy it, but it's not exploring caves and waterfalls.

"Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art." - Maya Angelou 

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this! Thank you for the compliment to my girls!
    We soooo enjoyed the whole weekend too! I wish we could just hang out more (with or without camping) but I'm glad we can look forward to the Memorial Day camping trips!
